145 Break Up Paragraphs: Sad Break Up Paragraphs for Him & Her

Break Up Paragraphs – Ending a relationship can be very much difficult because of the memories you have shared with the person.

Break Up Paragraphs Sad Break Up Paragraphs for Him Her

Right now, I am powerless to stem my crying. In my life, I have never known of this moment. I wish that I had died before I said farewell to you!

Break Up Paragraphs For Girlfriend

Maybe someday I will forget about your face. You may also refuse to recall your name. I will never, though, erase the memories of us from my memory! Goodbye!

break up paragraphs by memory

You are just as phony as you are in your make-up. I hope you will grow a heart in you someday and then you will realize what it feels like to be robbed! Goodbye!

break up paragraphs by heart

You’ve been dreaming about true love, trust, and allegiance all the time. How ironic it is that you didn’t even know what those words meant all those years! Goodbye!

break up paragraphs by true love

Your false smiles and empty promises make me tired of them. I realize now that sometimes your tears are counterfeit. Thank god that it’s not too late. Goodbye! Goodbye!

break up paragraphs by god

It’s unfortunate how easily we have become strangers to each other. It feels as if for even a second we have never loved each other! Goodbye!

break up paragraphs by loved

I don’t regret that you’re going to leave me. Because I at least know that my feelings for you have always been genuine! I’ve been frank the whole way! Goodbye!

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Break Up Paragraphs

I’ve never called for so many. What I ever wanted was to be loved by you because of who I was and not because of who you wanted me to be. I can’t understand that things didn’t work out for you and me at all. Our passion, maybe, was simply too sweet to be real.

It was easy for you, but it wasn’t for me! I feel sorry that we have been able to understand each other so well, even after having so much time together. For a time, let’s isolate and see things that are working for us. For the moment, it’s the only solution I have. Goodbye!

I do not feel at all betrayed. I take this as a lesson that has been learned. And the message is, never have faith in a liar. I hope no one else would do the same for you as you did for me! All that was always important to you was your happiness. You’ve never sought to grasp how I feel inside me. It can’t go on like this. Goodbye! Goodbye!

Love is like a tide. It’s rising and it’s gone. Unfortunately, in my passion for you, the tide is gone and I don’t believe it’s going back in. I know it’s a hard thing to hear, but sincerity is the least I can give you now. I hope that, with power and purpose, you will carry on like the moving ocean waves.

When two entities drift apart, most breakups happen. Begin by understanding how wonderful things once were, then let your ex know how you feel at the end of the day. It is necessary to explain how things have fallen apart, so your partner is clear. Note, it’s not about blaming them for this letter, it’s about showing what happened. Leave out the rage from it.

Yeah, where am I going to begin? Sweetheart, you’re amazing. You’re better than fine, you’re marvelous. And together, we had some really good times, some good laughs, some funny moments, and some touching memories. But what’s lacking is everything. We both realize that and have been resisting this moment, but the time has come. You know what I am referring to. There’s a desire to split up.

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I need to say something, and while a letter because of our gap feels like my only choice, I hope you know that I’m writing this with a sad heart. If I said that I had not wished for our friendship to work out, I would be lying. When we met, I truly felt that it was you.

I have found over the last few months that I have not been as happy as I used to be. I was mindful that I was putting your life ahead of mine. Spending time with your friends and family, reflecting on the pressures of your career, and I am no longer content. I learned that you were with Susan, even though you swore that things were over. That’s enough of an excuse, and I hope that you will honor my wishes and never touch me again.

In your life, you may have a thousand girls, but you can never find the true love that I have given you! This is not a curse. Actually, I pray for you in the best way!

It’s impossible to say farewell to someone who has such a special place in their hearts. We are, though, at the stage in life where there is no turning anywhere!

I yield to your idiotic behavior to get up. Keep your truths and promises to yourself and leave me alone, because your gloomy attitude and your propensity to believe that you are somehow right can’t stand me.

I couldn’t do it, even after doing my hardest. It is safer for both of us, I agree, to move forward and choose our preferred direction. Even though life was wonderful with you, I’m going to take time to get out, but I’m going to move out eventually. So, farewell, and take good care of yourself!

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For him, Break up Paragraphs

The trouble with our relationship was that, when I was busy loving it for what it was, you were busy trying to mold it according to the whims and fancies of those around us. If you had not been deceiving me every day with your deceit, things would never have gotten to the point of walking out. Goodbye. Goodbye.

I already feel, as I write, that I will regret this letter forever. You gave me a pleasure that no other man could ever have had at a time when I needed it the most. By merely being you, you pulled out the best of me. Your love has brought me to the tallest heights that could be expected.

I loved you, and I know that you loved me, or have felt something similar to it, at least. It would have sucked if you had stormed out, but I could have done it. Yet you have opted to cheat instead. Ok, for how long? And at this point, I don’t even know. The guy I thought I met would have treated me more kindly than that. I don’t care if you read this, but I hope you can do it for the sake of whoever you end up with.

This has been happening for a long time now. We’re just not connecting as we used to. Heck, I’m writing this to you online, instead of just talking to you in person, so what does that mean about us? Look, nobody did anything wrong, it was simply just not meant to be. So let me skip the guilt and just let me share my deepest love for you. Goodbye!! Goodbye!!

I have told you many times that, to me, envy is the worst kind of poison for a relationship. It’s sick when it is. That’s deadly, then. Any time I heard you that you were pretending to agree, I timidly shook your head and agreed to fix it. You remember, when I saw you for the first time, I felt everything between us wasn’t going to work out? Not that it was appropriate for you to pay all of yourself for the first payment,…

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I have come to understand over the last few months that we have grown apart. The gap we have is like a bridge between us. For this relationship to last, we don’t see each other as much as I consider that we ought to. I just need to get more. I think it’s time that we put an end to the emotional stress of missing each other, but not always being able to see each other. That’s why I’m writing this letter to you.

In your life, you may have a thousand girls, but you can never find the true love that I have given you! This is not a curse. Actually, I pray for you in the best way! It’s impossible to say farewell to someone who has such a special place in their hearts. We are, though, at the stage in life where there is no turning anywhere! Right now, I am powerless to stem my crying. In my life, I have never known of this moment. I wish that I had died before I said farewell to you!

I know we had the most beautiful moments together, but I guess it’s high time for us to change our ways forever. You are still going to stay as a good memory, boy.

I never thought I was going to have to say farewell to you, but nightmares often become a reality of life. All the good times that we had together, I will always cherish them. Right, take care, dear.

When we have so many memories to treasure, saying goodbye is complicated. But breaking up now, for all of us, is the best decision. I pray to the Lord that you will have better health and a better life.

Breakup Messages for Girlfriend

Both our firsts and lasts will always be honored, so it is best not to remain linked with each other anymore. You have been nice to me, and I will love you all.

Now-to-day, I hardly believe there is any hope for our relationship. We have lost our spark, and it’s time to say farewell to each other, finally. Good luck with the life you have.

Relationships may be challenging, but all of them can make an effort to keep them running. I hardly see any effort being made by you in this relationship. I’m so tired of this, so let’s break it up.

You ripped my heart into a million pieces, and you lied to my face all the time. I can’t bear this anymore, honestly. I’m done with all of your stuff. Good luck meeting someone who would suit you!

You’ve been the greatest gift of my life, for me. I know someone will surely win my heart one day, but there will always be a special spot for you!

Maybe we felt we were meant for each other, but we were not meant for each other in fact. Let’s get this acknowledged and carry on. Ok, in life, I wish you nice things. Love, take care.

For Boyfriend, Break Up Paragraphs

To you, I have forgotten the entire universe. Yet I never thought you were going to ignore me for a better solution. Yeah, thank you for messing with my thoughts!

Not because you’re leaving me, but because I trusted the wrong guy with my heart! I can’t hold myself back from crying! I have been a fool for loving you so much!

You were telling me that you would never leave me alone. You told me that you will have a new life together. But now I know the entire thing was a huge lie!

In my heart, you are leaving a void. I have no idea if I will ever fill that void with love and faith. I feel like my whole life has been a fabrication!

I did my hardest to put our dying friendship back to life. Yet it feels like it doesn’t matter to you at all. So, I will say farewell to you forever!

Break Up Paragraphs Copy And Paste

I know that you’re thinking that you really love me. I always love you, but without coordination and faith, I don’t think that’s appropriate. I hope that before you commit to anyone else, you will have the opportunity to think on why you want to have an affair instead of working through it. Don’t touch me, please, it’s going to hurt so much, and it’s better than all of us move on. Love, take care.

It’s better than telling a thousand lies about how much we love each other than saying goodbye. We all know, after all, that there is no longer any passion! I’ve never worried about tomorrow without you before. But even for us, life has such other plans. I don’t blame you for that, but I blame my destiny! My heart has been broken. My eyes are crying as I say farewell to you. Can you have all the pleasure in life that you have never been able to offer!

I have loved you all along, but you have torn my heart into pieces. I have been doing my hardest to hold us together, but you have been doing your best to break apart. I’m going to miss you! You can’t repair anything missing; after you were gone, I had nothing to do but just miss you. I really liked you, and I wish you had done the same thing. I am not sorry that you have broken up, I am sad that you have found excuses to break it up. I hope that through anyone else, you will find your happiness.

In the world, there may be billions of women, but none will ever shine more brightly than you. You will lead my heart throughout my life, like the North Star, no matter where I am. Your love will come even when the night skies are packed with gloom, to give me hope.

I am breaking up with you because my heart was busy dancing to the beats of love when the party was ruined by yours by sulking in the corners of falsehood and envy. Our split may be bitter, but it’s not going to leave lifelong scars. All along, our friendship has been an amazing journey. It is clearly tragic that a hangover is likely after any gathering.

Sad Breakup Paragraph

A bit of thinking to you doesn’t wreck the life of anyone else as you did to me because someone may not be as powerful as I am. I’ve never called for so many. What I ever wanted was to be loved by you because of who I was and not because of who you wanted me to be. I was always there with you, and my heart always wanted to be with you, so it was your fault that you never knew when you cheated on me.

Relationships are like wonderful trips on the road. Instead of moaning about the bumps and the potholes, lie back and admire the lovely vistas. Rather than claiming that you liked me, you should have been honest. I shall set your heart free by walking away. It’s going to drive a knife straight into my middle, but the pain is going to be worth it because, from the very beginning, you never loved me.

I am writing to tell you that you are a lucky lady, because, by the time you get this message, you will be free to do whatever you want, whenever you want, without giving anyone, and particularly me, satisfaction. I’m not exactly sure how to say it, after all, it’s not your fault, you’re still very good to me and very loving, but I don’t want to be your girlfriend anymore.

I want you to know that you deserve a person who, when I see you every day, can see you as the most beautiful living human being and a diamond that should be loved and preserved so that it can shine. I’m sorry that I can’t be for you as that guy. Thank you for helping me to believe my intuition. You were the first one to show me the truth on my own. As you can hopefully see from all of this, I don’t lie anymore.

For me, it’s not fair for you to pretend that our relationship will succeed because I know that my focus is elsewhere in my heart. You deserve someone who is going to love you, and only you, and I know you are going to meet someone who is going to treat you right.

You are an angel that I have not been able to hold to myself. This is all my fault because I have always missed the blessings that you have carried with you! I count myself fortunate to find someone who has loved me with a real heart in life! I will always be thankful that you have given me a taste of true love!

Someone told me once that 90% of love is timing, and that sounds right, right here. I’m sad that things have happened like that, and I’m not just saying that. I love you, and in my heart, you will always have a special place. And do not be upset with me.

For her, Break Up Paragraphs

I hope you will be able to forgive me for all the wrongs I have done to you! I do not have any grievances against you either! It’s just that they didn’t figure out our passion! The way you continue to do things that have affected me tells you how little I mean to you. For the sake of our sanity, let us break up and not get involved with each other. Goodbye! Goodbye!

I am profoundly wounded, and there is no question that my heart will be scarred because we cannot be together. I don’t think I’m ever going to discover that love is as real as ours, and I’m not sure I’m going to try. And if you can’t take me with you, I have given you my heart to be with you forever. Take it as much as you’ve treasured me, and we will always be together.

I know it sounds like a cliché, but this isn’t for you. It’s for me there. I have to take the job, and for the last five years, that’s what I’ve been working towards. You’re sure of that. For a great deal of it, you were with me. And it’s not your journey to pursue. You can’t ever leave behind anything you have to join me. I do not promise that if you do, I will be able to give you what you need.

You have no idea how painful it is to write this letter to me. I’m saying excruciating because I don’t have to say revolting. After all, you have absolute understanding, I mean, of how much I’ve been and how hard I’m trying to get the idea to work out.

I respect you because of your sense of trust and self-esteem. You still seem to be so calm and in charge, and I look at you with awe. You are more insightful than anybody I know, and you have common sense in the real world, and that goes beyond the typical book smarts. You appreciate the world and people, and you do the best thing to do at all times. And you’re doing the right thing, then. You are such a lovely and good guy.

Unfortunately, we haven’t been together, but I’m grateful you showed me a good lesson to never trust someone. Love you! Hate you! I may have moved on, but I won’t because I want to see the face of your shame if you see me shattered and lonely. It is easy to fall in love, but love can hardly be forgiven. Yeah, that hurts a great deal! I know you don’t want to hear that from me, so I can’t resist saying “I love you!” to you.

I am sad that time and conversation have not managed to eradicate from my mind or heart the image of you with someone else. Instead of coming over to me for something that made you feel unsatisfied, you cheated on me. I can see in some ways—I’m not fully accusing you. I cannot agree, though, that you have opted not to be frank with me. I can’t see how we get beyond this. I knew that I couldn’t trust you.

Over the past few [days, weeks, months], it has been so good getting to know you, but I don’t feel a bond anymore. In the future, I wish luck to you! “I’m still in love with my ex, truthfully, and things don’t feel resolved with us yet. It was very good to meet you, so I’m not interested in hanging out again.

I love you all the way. I’m not denying it. Yet you have, little by little, corrupted my faith. If you just avoided your lies, things would have been just perfect. What you wanted to do was hear screaming from my heart. We’ve been such a dream couple, so carefree and content. It’s a shame that the essence of our passion can’t be seen by you. Goodbye. Goodbye.

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