Breakup Messages for Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Break up messages and quotes for him or her to help you express your sad feelings in the last message and make a respectful breakup with him/her. And finally, our breakup messages guide is here for you. We hope that these messages will be appropriate for you. You can send them to your girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, or husband. We have to deal with breakup things with these people mostly. We have provided sample messages for every category here.

Breakup Messages for Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Breakup Messages

  • My mind hates you so much that it may stop me from texting you. But my heart will never let me stop loving you! Be happy!
  • I can’t stop my tears right now. I had never thought of this moment in my life. I wish I was dead before saying goodbye to you!
  • It’s better to say goodbye than to say a thousand lies about how much we love each other. After all, we both know there is no love anymore!
  • It is better to be alone than stay in a toxic relationship like this. You have murdered all my feelings for you. Goodbye!
  • The rest of my life will be a blur of memories without you. I’ll carry a bit more weight in my heart for the rest of my life. Yes, I can succeed without you, and this will be my last message to you. Farewell!
  • It was hard to let go of our relationship, but I knew I had to save my wits. What once brought us together has ended, and we must part ways. Until we meet again, goodbye.
  • I never thought of falling in love with you for saying goodbye someday. But as it happens, you did not give me an option. So goodbye and good luck!
  • It’s fair to think that our relationship is officially over. On the other hand, I hope that everything goes swimmingly for you as you pursue your journey without me. Goodbye.
  • I consider myself lucky to have someone in my life who loved me with a true heart! I’ll always be grateful to you for giving me a taste of true love!
  • It’s hard to say goodbye to someone who has such a special place in my heart. But we are at the point of life where there’s no going back!
  • I will never be the same person as you knew from this moment. Now I know how pain can transform people into someone that they’re not!
  • All that always mattered to you was your happiness. You never tried to know how I feel inside. It can’t go on like this forever. Goodbye!
  • Time may heal my broken heart. But it can never erase your memories from my head. Our paths are divided, but my love for you will remain the same!

Best Breakup Messages for Boyfriend

Breakup Messages for Girlfriend

  • It’s tragic how fast we went from lovers to strangers to one other.
  • Breaking up with you breaks my heart, I am crying right now but it’s better for both of us if we don’t see one other anymore.
  • Even though there were times when you made me very happy, I believe that breaking up is the best option for both of us. Goodbye, the woman I used to love.
  • I will never forget all our firsts and lasts but it is better not to stay associated with each other anymore. You were good to me and I will always respect you.
  • We may have thought we were meant for each other but in reality, we were not. Let’s accept this and move on. I wish you good things in life. Take care.
  • For you, it was easy but for me, it wasn’t! I feel sad that even after spending so much time together, we could understand each other so well.


  • I am unable to digest that the man who I thought was my perfect match is no more a match. This breakup is like a nightmare that I want to end as soon as possible. Goodbye!
  • After much reflection, I’ve come to the painful realization that we’re no longer compatible. Our journey together has been filled with both joy and challenges, but it’s become clear that we’re better off apart. I’ll always remember the love we shared and the lessons we learned. Wishing you a future filled with love and fulfillment.
  • When a relationship becomes a liability, it should be discontinued. Our relationship has also become the same and it should also be discontinued.
  • I was always there for you, my love always wanted to be with you, but when you cheated on me it was your loss that you never understood.

Breakup Messages for Girlfriend & Boyfriend Breakup Quotes

Breakup Messages for Boyfriend

  • I’m tired of dealing with your tantrums and drama. I can’t bear it anymore. I’m sorry but we need to break up and be free from each other.
  • It is really hard on my part but we need to break up. We must accept fate and grow no bitterness in our hearts. Stay safe, take care. Goodbye.
  • I was so naive for ignoring your true love. I was so blind that I couldn’t see your bleeding heart. Now I regret losing you!
  • I know we have had the most wonderful times together but I think it is high time we changed our paths forever. You will always remain a good memory, boy.
  • I never thought I would have to bid goodbye to you but sometimes nightmares become a reality in life. I will always cherish all the good times we had together. Take care, dear.
  • I am slowly losing you and it is very painful for me. I know you will never return but at least we can positively end our story.

Also Read:

  • I never thought I would have to write these words, but it’s time for us to go our separate ways. This decision hasn’t come easily, but I believe it’s what’s best for both of us. I’ll always cherish the memories we shared, and I wish you nothing but happiness and fulfillment in your future. Take care.
  • You are the kind of a man who deserves a woman who is all in for you. I am genuinely sorry that I am not the right woman for you. So, I hope that you will get the perfect match someday. Goodbye!
  • How could you never care about me and my feelings and just walk away like this? You broke my heart to pieces.
  • We have a bright future ahead of us just not with each other. Let’s be brave so that we can move on to better things. Goodbye.

heart felt Breakup Messages for Girlfriend

Breakup Messages for Him

  • I can’t hold myself from crying not because you’re leaving me, but because I trusted the wrong guy with my heart! I was a fool for loving you this much!
  • You are not the man I expected you to be. We can’t be together anymore.
  • I’m sick of all the drama; it’s better if we split up and go our ways. I’m done with you, and I’m sure you’re done with me as well. We do not share a loving relationship anymore. Love cannot feel like suffocating; you suffocate me, and I can no longer live like this. Let’s break up and forget about each other.
  • You are leaving a hole in my heart. I don’t know if I could ever fill that hole with love and trust. I feel like my whole life is a lie!
  • You deserved neither me nor my love. I’m the fool who thought my love would be enough to change you into a better man, but you never changed.
  • I rejected everyone just to give time to you, to make love with you but you always kept me last. Heartbroken!
  • Let’s separate for some time and see if things working for us. It’s the only solution I have for now. Goodbye!
  • I am done giving all my time to you and spending all my energy on you. Let us just overlook that we’ve even met and had a thing. I wish to not see you again or talk to you. Bye. Good luck.
  • I have always loved you but you broke my heart into pieces. I tried my best to keep us together but you tried your best to fall apart. I will miss you!
  • It is hard to accept that I don’t love you anymore, but separating from each other is better than being in a painful relationship that will consequently end one or another day.

Break Up Messages for Her

  • I expected you to give me love, but all you gave me was agony.
  • You are just as fake as your make-up is. I hope someday you’ll grow a heart in you and then you’ll know how it feels to be cheated!
  • I have no regret that you’re leaving me. Because I know at least my feelings for you were always real! I was honest all the way!
  • It’s sad how quickly we became total strangers to each other. It seems as if we never loved each other for even a moment!
  • Goodbye to the person who I loved the most, I am shattered and I feel empty inside.
  • I am not sad because you broke up, I am sad because you found reasons to break things up. I hope you find your happiness in someone else.
  • Thank you for teaching me a lesson of not trusting anybody, I was blind and I don’t blame you.
  • Even after trying my best, I couldn’t make it. I think both of us should move on and choose our desired path.
  • You must have read I am distancing from you these days. Ending the suspense, all I want to say, is I don’t love you anymore. Plz forgive me, maybe someone better is made for you.

I loved you the most, and even after all the pain you’ve given me, I’m ashamed to say I still love you, but the more I love you, the more I hate myself. I hate myself for becoming the person I am to become the person you want me to be. I’m losing myself as I spend more time with you. I deserve better and that’s why I can’t be with you anymore.

Breakup Messages and Images

Breakup Messages for Girlfriend and Boyfriend and images

looking for the best breakup messages and images.

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