120 Congratulations On Your Pregnancy – The Best Collection Wishes, Quotes

Pregnancy Wishes: Congratulation Messages provides you with a comprehensive selection of example congratulation wordings and congratulation wishes for use in your own correspondence. From wedding or engagement, congratulations to new job and promotion wish to a baby girl or baby boy congratulations and even graduation and retirement wishes, you’ll discover congratulatory wordings for every occasion and person on this page. Sending the appropriate congratulations email SMS or card to your friends, family, or colleagues is a wonderful way to recognize their achievements.

Congratulations On Your Pregnancy The Best Collection Wishes Quotes

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You’re going to be an amazing mother! Congratulations! Sending my prayers and good wishes to you. This baby is going to be lucky to have such great parents! Congratulations on expecting a baby! My blessings and best wishes are always with your family.

Browse hundreds of pregnancy congratulation messages, and find the perfect words to say “congratulations on your pregnancy” to the happy mom-to-be here at Styiens!

You may use these congrats on pregnancy messages to send a card, send a text message, publish a tweet, share a Facebook post, send a WhatsApp message, or use them on any other social media site.

Pregnancy Wishes

#1. Giving birth to a child is the noblest deed one can do, and I am proud of you for staying strong throughout this pregnancy.

#2. Receive our heartiest congratulations on this beautiful journey of yours. Pregnancy is a blessing and you have been blessed with an amazing soul.

#3. Congratulations because on the next nine months, you are going to be a real mom. Enjoy your pregnancy my dear since that is one of the most wonderful journeys of a woman.

#4. Feel the amazing sensation of having a life inside of your body because God has given you the chance to experience this blessed and life-changing moment. We are so happy for you.

#5. Congratulations on being pregnant! Bringing life to earth is such a precious experience, and I hope you enjoy it.

#6. A new life is breathing inside of you and nothing can be more exciting than this. Congratulations to you for expecting.

#7. A child is truly a blessing from heaven and we are here to support you. Congratulation to the mom-to-be! Take care always!

#8. Your prayers were finally answered. Congratulations, mom to be! A new journey starts and this is going to be an exciting one. I am happy for you.

#9. You are bound to be one of the best parents in the world. Congratulations on being pregnant.

#10. Best wishes to the Mother-To-be! Congratulations on your baby.

#11. Congratulations on your pregnancy! You’re going to be an amazing mother!

#12. Congratulations! Sending my prayers and good wishes to you. This baby is going to be lucky to have such great parents!

congratulations on pregnancy messages prayer funny

#13. You’re pregnant? Wow! I can’t believe that you are going to have a baby soon. Well! Now it’s time for more rest and relaxes because a baby is on the way soon. Congratulations!

#14. I wish you all the best on this beautiful stage, you are a very sweet girl and I know you will be a very good mom.

#15. Your long wait is over and your motherhood journey has begun. Congratulations, mom to be. We look forward to meeting your new baby very soon!

#16. These messages can be written on a card to mail to the couple, or in one presented to the mom at her baby shower.

#17. My dear daughter, there is no doubt you are going to be the best mother in the whole world. Best wishes and congratulations on being pregnant

#18. The feeling of being fat will last 9 months. The feeling of being a mum will last a lifetime. I send you all the best wishes.

Congratulations on Your Pregnancy

#20. I always knew you’d be good parents. May your life ahead be filled with love and joy.

#21. Congratulations on the good news. May the Lord bless you with a healthy pregnancy!

#22. Stay strong and think positive. God has answered your prayers for a new baby. He will see you through. Congratulations, mother-to-be!

Mothers Day Message for Pregnant Wife Mothers Day Wishes for Wife

#23. A baby is a work of art; it is a piece of your mind, and a slice of your heart. Congratulations on being pregnant!

#24. A new phase of your life is about to start—enjoy every second of it with all your heart. Congratulations on getting pregnant!

#25. Congratulations on your pregnancy! That’s good to hear. I believe that you are going to be an amazing mother to your little one. Just enjoy the journey.

#26. 9 months of pain, but a lifetime of gain. 9 months of sickness, but a lifetime of happiness. 9 months of pregnancy, the beginning of your own legacy. Congratulations.

#27. Your biggest dream is done, you should be very happy and so am I. You will bring to the world a beautiful baby. Congratulations.

Congratulations on Pregnancy Messages

#29. Dear Sis, I am really excited to hear about the great news, I will soon be an aunt. I am sure you are going to be a wonderful mom. Congratulations Mom to Be.

#30. Nothing comes close to the feeling of nurturing a life inside your body. It has never been aptly described in words and it never will be. Experiencing is the only way to find out. Congratulations on getting yours.

#31. All these years your heartbeat for one now will beat for two for announcing your beautiful pregnancy congratulations to your husband and you.

pregnancy is a great time to pregnancy congratulations message

#32. A miracle is on the way, in the next nine months, we will be holding the little one in our arms with joy. Congratulations my love!

#33. There’s no greater joy than being a parent. Congratulations!

#34. Your prayers are finally answered! Congratulation on your pregnancy. The long wait is over so now take special care of yourself and get ready for the exciting times coming ahead.

#35. Tell the pregnant couple that they’re going to be amazing parents!

#36. The little one is on the way and we wish you a smooth journey for the remaining part of your pregnancy. Best congratulations on expecting.

#37. Congratulations to the would-be parents! I pray that God guides you throughout this pregnancy and parenthood.

#38. Nine months from now, your baby’s life will completely take over your own. And the first sign of this will be your profile picture on Facebook being replaced with your baby’s. xoxo

#39. May this special time be filled with love and joy. Congrats!

#40. The first time you feel your baby kick. The first time you see your baby. Pregnancy is the beginning of a wonderful adventure made of many “first times”. Best wishes!

#41. Pregnancy is the only time when you’ll love someone even if kick you in your tummy and give you sleepless nights. Congratulations.

#42. Love comes in all shapes and sizes. We can’t wait to see what your little love looks like. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

#43. You have taken our breath away and lovingly given it to this precious little life. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Religious Pregnancy Wishes

#45. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Your life will never be the same again. Get ready for the most exciting journey of your life – motherhood.

#46. To be a woman is one thing. But to be a mother is a whole new level. Congratulations on taking your first steps towards discovering a new dimension of life.

#47. You will make such great parents. We can’t wait to meet your new baby girl.

maternity well wishes

#48. Pregnancy is a wonderful miracle and in nine months your joys will double. Congratulations, to the happy couple! God bless you.

#49. You two must be God’s favorites; why else would he gift you with a baby? My heartiest congratulations and warm wishes to you.

#50. Excitement got the better of me when I heard the news about your pregnancy. Congratulations!

#51. A small amount of discomfort and pain is worth the lifetime of joy that is parenthood. Congratulations!

#52. Bringing life into this world is not an easy feat but God’s blessings will always be there for you. Prayers and thoughts for you during this beautiful stage of life.

Funny Pregnancy Wishes

#54. Congratulations because your motherhood journey is now starting. We are so excited to meet your little angel. But as for now, enjoy your pregnancy dear!

#55. A baby is one of the best gifts one can receive from God. It does not matter if it is a boy or a girl. A baby is a baby. Congratulations!

#56. Congratulations on getting pregnant, may your new baby bring you abundant happiness.

best funny pregnancy wishes messages and quotes

#57. A child is truly a blessing from God; we will soon be celebrating the final product of our love. Congratulation to my dear wife!

#58. Please fasten your seat belt as you are about to take off a wonderful breathtaking journey of pregnancy. Some turbulence like morning sickness and swelling feet might happen but we will be always there for you. Congrats.

#59. Even though I am happy about you having a kid, I can’t help feeling sad for the baby. After all, it has your genes!

#60. I heard you have got a new boss – inside your tummy. Congratulations on getting this fantastic job done.

#61. The most inspirational thing that pregnancy will teach you is the realization of how even pain and sickness can be gateways to lifelong happiness. Congratulations.

#62. How can we say enough thanks to you for bringing this cherished life on this earth? You will make a great mom. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

#63. May all the happiness enter your home in the form of this baby. Have a safe delivery and a healthy child.

#64. Do you realize you are consistently giving me reasons to buy you gifts? First for the wedding and now for a soon-to-be baby shower! Congratulations honey. Give me more reason to be happy like this.

Wishes for Pregnant Lady

#66. Congratulations on the life growing inside your tummy—I bet you are going to be a fantastic mummy!

#67. I hope you enjoy being parents, even the part where you have to wake up at midnight and change the baby’s diapers.

#68. Cheers to your morning sickness, fat tummy, non-fitting cloths, and swelling feet. Don’t be nervous because the angel inside you will take care of all of these. Congratulations new mommy to be.

hey congrats to you as you pregnancy congratulations message

#69. Darling, always remember that we are wishing you the best with the beautiful soul that you are carrying. Congratulations to the new mom-to-be.

#70. It’s a blessing being a woman because you get to experience the most magical moment of your life: giving life! Congratulations on your pregnancy!

#71. Welcome aboard. Please fasten your seatbelts, as you are about to take off on a breathtaking journey over the next nine months of your life. Congratulations on being pregnant!

#72. You are going to be a great mom to the little one. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

#73. It is a blessing to be pregnant, and in a few months, you will be holding the joy in your arms. I wish you a healthy pregnancy. Congratulations!

#74. You are pregnant? I can’t believe we are going to be grandparents soon. Take more rest. Congratulations my daughter!

#75. The beginning of your pregnancy is when you’ll never feel alone, even if you are… for the rest of your life. Your baby’s heart will forever live within. Congratulations.

#76. 9 months you carry your baby in your belly and for the rest of your life, you will have it in your heart. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

#77. Congratulations on taking the first step to motherhood. I know you are going to be a great parent to your little one. God bless you!

Short Pregnancy Wishes

#79. Congratulations to the biggest wonder mother nature are possible to give.

#80. In the movie of your life, pregnancy is the twist that will change it all. Congratulations.

#81. Congratulations to the cutest baby that has ever been born.

congratulations on your pregnancy card

#82. Adding another branch to the family tree? Congratulations on your pregnancy!

#83. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! We are sure you are going to be an awesome Mother!

#84. Welcome to an amazing new chapter of your life; becoming a Mother!

#85. Can you believe it? You are joining the most important club around- Club Mom!

#86. Congratulations on the bundle of joy! Here is to a happy, healthy & handsome baby!

#87. Congratulations are to you, sweet friend, on your new bundle of joy!

#88. Learn your nursery rhymes and practice your lullabies, your time is coming soon. Congrats on becoming a Mom!

Congratulations To Expecting Mom & Dad

#90. Congratulations on creating a life and starting your new legacy. You’re going to be an amazing Mother!

#91. Congratulations on your new journey! You are going to be an amazing Mother & great guide through life!

#92. We are so excited for your new bundle of joy and your new path in life. Congratulations and enjoy the adventure!

cute congratulations on your pregnancy wishes and messages

#93. Congratulations on your pregnancy! We are so excited to meet your new bundle of joy!

#94. We are so excited to meet the next generation and watch as you help form who they become. Congrats on becoming a Mother.

#95. Congratulations on your journey into Motherhood and all the perks it has to offer!

#96. Congratulations on your bundle of joy coming soon! Enjoy the new things you will learn as a new Mom!

#97. Having a baby is the sweetest change that can happen to a couple’s lives. I wish you lovely parenthood.

#98. From being a couple in love to becoming parents together, you two have surely transitioned most beautifully!

#99. Congratulations to the soon-to-be mom and dad. May your homestay be filled with love and laughter.

#100. You two are the loveliest couple I know, and you surely are going to make great parents! Congratulations on expecting a baby.

#101. Enjoy your new journey and the adventures ahead! Congrats on becoming a Mother!

#102. Enjoy every day as it comes & flies by! Congrats on becoming a Mom!

#103. All the journeys and adventures that lie ahead are great, beautiful & exciting. Congrats on becoming a new Mom!

#104. Congratulations on the new roads and journeys ahead- they will surely be your best yet!

#105. Make sure your hospital bag is packed & get ready for a new life to enter: it’s all about to begin! Congrats on getting pregnant!

#106. Becoming a Mother is one of the greatest things in the world- your path may twist and turn places you never expected but it will be worth all the time & energy. Enjoy it!

Inspiring Pregnancy Wishes

#108. Parenthood is a whole lot of responsibilities, and I’m sure you will fulfill it perfectly! Congratulations, my beloveds.

#109. You’re going to be the sweetest mother to the angel growing inside you. Take good care of it and yourself!

#110. Your body will go through a lot of changes during these nine months but remember, God will protect the little angel inside your womb. Have a happy and cheerful pregnancy period.

pregnancy congratulations messages wishes and poems for cards

#111. Congratulations on your pregnancy. You have just embraced motherhood – the most beautiful and life-giving journey that any has ever trodden upon.

#112. I can’t wait to meet the little princess herself. Congratulations!

#113. As you grow your family tree and from two, you become three as you gear up to become the best parents you can ever be may you have a healthy and happy pregnancy get ready for a roller coaster ride with your pregnancy one of the best moms in the world, you are bound to be you must be feeling magical from within that’s because one of life’s best stages you are in congratulations!

#114. In your gut is forming a new being that will fill your home, take care and look after him and I wish God continue to bless you.

#115. I can’t wait to be a grandmother. Take care of my little one. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Pregnancy Quotes

#117. “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgot and the future worth living for.” – Author Unknown

#118. Your pregnancy is unique music to the soul – harmonious and sweet. Congratulations on your beautiful song!

#119. We hope you have your dad’s smile, precious boy! Congratulations to mom and dad!

pregnancy wishes quotes and poems

#120. Enjoy your pregnancy because it is the only time a woman can get away with burping and farting and a man can get away with blaming his wife for her irritable mood swings.

#121. “Birthing is the most profound initiation to spirituality a woman can have.” -Robin Lim

#122. Pregnancy is the only time in life when you’ll fall in love with someone you haven’t met. Congratulations.

#123. “There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.” – Chinese Proverb

#124. “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

#125. “Motherhood: The only place you can experience heaven and hell at the same time.” – Unknown

#126. Pregnancy is when you’ll truly understand the meaning of being unconditionally caring and patiently selfless. Congratulations.

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