Want to get a little flirtatious with a special guy in your life? Here are over 140 cute texts for him that will totally make his day.
Cute text for him and SMS text to make your buddy smile. Nothing feels better than making the smile of the person you love. Knowing that your words bring their day a moment of joy will uplift your own.
You may want to know how to make him feel unique over email, whether you’re married or just started dating. To make him grin or sweet poetry to make him swoon, your message might be full of cute stuff.
All of us have another way of showing our affection. We have compiled a collection of 117 sweet love texts to help you compose your expression of adoration.
This is how you can make your boyfriend happy with messages. A quick text will make the day better.
This guide tells you how, by email, to make him miss you. All you have to do is give him one of these cute messages and he will feel special, smile, and dream about you.
Perfect Text Messages
♥ Do not believe that there is less sensitivity for men than for women. They want to say kind words as well.
♥ Right now my heart is doing backflips when I dream of you. Right now, I bet you can’t guess who is on my mind. All right, great, I’m going to tell you—you. it’s
♥ If you go and look in the mirror, you’ll see the hottest man ever alive. How, at the same time, are you so cool and so sweet? You’re blowing my mind.
♥ Any day that we are together is another day that I live out my fantasies. No one came around to make me smile the way you’re doing.
♥ Every single time, I’d choose you. In your lap, every ounce of anxiety and vulnerability I have disappears.
♥ The greatest thing that has ever happened to me is you. You’re making me extremely happy. I’ve been counting the seconds ever since you left this morning before I see you again.
♥ Nice text for him, lady texting in bed. When you walk past them, do birds sing? To see you, do trees twist? They have to because you’re the most gorgeous guy in the world.
♥ Right now, I know that you are at work, so I just wanted to say how much I love you. You are the grilled cheese for my tomato soup! Cute Stuff to Text a Guy to Make Him Happy
Cute Texts For Him
♥ I’m sorry it was such a crazy week for you. How about when you come over and spend some time with me in the pool?
♥ I will hunt for the right guy all over the globe and interview any man far and wide. I’d know the same realitafterof the hunt as I know right now. You’re the best guy for me, and with all my heart, I love you.
♥ In a world of chaos misery, and pain. As I look forward to seeing you again, understanding that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel makes my trials and tribulations less hectic. I’ll see you again at the end of the dayToto put a smile on your face, I will do something. I am so maator you.
♥ Texts to Smile Him At Work. Hi honey, I already miss you. Have a nice day at work, and when you get in, I can’t wait to see you. With all my bones, I love you.
The 10-Second Text Messages That Will Make Him Smile For Hours
♥ My heart pounds out of my chest thinking of you.
♥ Nothing is ever easy, but the easiest thing I have ever done is to be with you.
♥ Hi, honey! I hope you’ve been sleeping well and thinking of things that make you happy. You should phone in sick tomorrow, and we should lie in bed all day together.
♥ My friends told me I was supposed to stop talking all the time about you so I told them I was just going to talk to you instead.
♥ Two people met and fell in love once upon a time. Then, nothing was ever the same. It was the most amazing love story ever seen in the world. In the novel, who were the people? What would have such lovely love? These two boys, my dear, are us.
♥ The love I have for you does not have a cap. I don’t think my heart will swell any bigger than it does, and yet every time I look at you, I can feel it rising. For this kind of passion, there are growing pains that come, but growing up makes one wiser. Through you, I am my wisest self.
♥ Nice messages for a lady who uses a phone in bed. I know that I always think I love you,’ but when you say it to me it never loses its strength and sense. It fills me every time you utter it with more passion and desire.
♥ How do you make him happy with these text messages? “If you wonder, “How am I going to make my boyfriend happy over the text? Then allow these examples as you compose your message to inspire you.
Cute Good Morning Texts For Him
♥ My day begins when you wake up from your dreams. I’m going to spend it thinking about your lips, and I’m going to bed cuddling against you. For you, my day starts and ends. Upon waking, the sun whispers your name.
♥ I hope that you know how brilliant and wonderful you are. Even if canto flies across the world. I will never be able to meet anyone like you if I were looking for a great boyfriend. Only to come into my life and make it beautiful, you are so uniquely created by God. y love you!
♥ A million stars up in the sky that I can’t deny shine brighter. A love so precious, a love so true, a love that comes to you from me The angels sing when you are close in your arms. I have nothing to fear. You always know what it’s like to say, just talking to you makes my day. I love you, honey, together with all my heart forever and never to part.
♥ It’s funny how you can go through life and not know what true love is. But this, this. I’ve never felt this indescribable feeling before. This is what it’s like to be with a real man, I guess.
Cute love messages for boyfriend happy over text
♥ I can’t help dwelling on you. My heart is fluttering and waiting non-stop for you to get off work. They’ve got you for 9 to 5, so for the rest of my life, I get to have you.
♥ Today I’m also busy. I’m busy thanking every single one of my lucky stars for introducing you to my life. I love you, darling.
♥ Before you left this morning, I started missing you. Right now, I need someone to kiss me. Soon, come home. You are the best a girl would ask for (husband/boyfriend).
♥ Did you know that each time your name flashes across my phone screen, I still get excited? I hope it’s from you any time I hear it buzz.
♥ I know I always say that I love you, but that’s not enough. The way I feel about you, those three words can’t explain it. You’re going to make my belly flip and my hands quake. I’ve never loved anyone so much as I love you, and I don’t think I’m ever going to love anybody as much again. You’re everything I ever wanted and needed. I love you so much. You are all of me, my whole heart, and my whole world.
♥ It is not necessarily a smart thing to take your boyfriend for granted. Give him your full attention instead and let him feel needed. Get off your phone while he speaks, just listen. Pay him the attention he deserves, because because you must spend every moment with him.
♥ Thanks for still being available for me to squash a worm. Nothing feels more pleasant than being with you.
♥ You are my closest friend, you are more than my boyfriend. In your hands are your dreams. Any step of the way, I will hold you back.
♥ For your friendship, would you like to develop healthy communication skills? If so, check out my Communication Course for Partners. So many couples get stuck in hurtful confrontations and confusion habits.
Romantic love messages for him loving you an SMS
You’ll learn coping techniques in this online course that will change your relationship and improve your relationship. To make your relationship enjoyable, attractive, and caring again you will learn to overcome disagreements constructively and build new talking and listening habits.
♥ Your boyfriend’s essay – a boyfriend’s paragraph for a loving girlfriend. For Him to make him cry, a cute and emotional paragraph
♥ I fell intensely in love with you every time a butterfly flaps its wings, a dog barks or a drop of rain falls on a rooftop anywhere in the world. A part of my loss heals every time we are together. There are very few individuals who can do so.
♥ Like 7 calories a minute, a kiss burns, Wanna workout? Last night, I had a dream about you and me, moaning and sweating with sexual enjoyment. I just wanted to ask if you could linger tonight in my bedroom to satisfy my wish!
♥ Thanks for always shooting my spiders when I’m too terrified. With how perfect you are, you never hesitate to amaze me.
Cute Texts For Him To Wake Up To
♥ So far every minute we spend together has been amazing. You’re my entire world. But the best has yet to come, I assure you.
♥ It is a treat well worth your efforts to only know that he’s laughing on the other end of the call.
♥ My handsome man, today, go get’em! I am so proud of you and of all that you do. Respect yourself too much!
♥ You’re my favorite person. I immensely love you. I hope that today you have a great day at work. I’m giving so much love to you.
♥ You’re kind, intelligent, and hilarious. You have what it takes for all your wildest desires to be fulfilled, and I hope you know how proud I am of you.
♥ I would be the happiest person alive if I had a dollar for each time you made my heart skip a beat. To make you happy and give you the life you deserve, I will invest the last penny. Meeting you was like you were always winning the lottery.
How to make a guy laugh hard over text
♥ The only one who I see is you. Everything else is fuzzy and out of sight in my life, and I can’t seem to focus. Remarkably, this is exceedingly simple as well. I know who I am and what I desire, and it’s you that I want.
♥ When I think of you, all of my issues are so easily forgotten. I am unable to believe that you are mine. To me, you are perfect. I would give you the best kiss if I were with you right now.
♥ I’m so excited about getting old and lying side by side on our rocking chairs. Hello! Good morning! To make you happy, I just wanted to send a short email. I love you, darling.
♥ With so much laughter, pleasure, and devotion, you complete my life. Thank you for taking me into my life with your light. When someone asks me what I’m thinking, and I reply with, “Oh, nothing,” you truly are what is on my mind.
When tapping into the muses, don’t be scared of revealing your weak side. Your show of affection would certainly make his day.
Give him, at the most inconvenient time of day a surprise email. Text him from the phone of a friend making him wonder who you are. To make him happy, send a nice picture of yourself along with the email. With a simple text message, there are so many innovative ways you can delight your boy. Dream about how much you love him, and let your imagination spark your love.
You’re my prince. Our relationship is perfect. The other day, I had such a good time. I wish every day was like that.
Every second, I will miss you till you come home! Here’s what we are going to do after you get home: lay down on the couch, get some food delivered, watch your favorite movie, and never get up.
My darling (boyfriend/husband), the rhythm of your breath aligns with each beat of my heart. In this life, every step of the way, we walk alongside each other until we are old and grey. With each fiber of my being, I love you.
God, I love to look at you just as much as I love to talk to you. As much as I love kissing you, I love talking to you. The best year of my life has been being with you. You are my best friend, my soul mate, and my life’s absolute love.
Give your man some love, too, and send him those sweet text messages that are sure to make him smile.
Long sweet text messages to send to your boyfriend
How do you make your boyfriend happy? Then give him some of the text of this beautiful
What makes someone happy and reveals how much you love him with her boyfriend
It’s not difficult to say how much you love him, and it’s not difficult to demonstrate how much you love him. So, do it by writing, ‘I love you,’ or by making g little effort to leave sweet notes for him or by cooking for him. Console him, Comfort him
Be there to console him when he’s exhausted from work or school, or if he’s been going through a lot over the past few weeks. A quick smile, embrace, and omotivationalon words like you’re going to feel better will make his sad days happier and reveal his lip curves. Offer your attention to him
Our love spreads and flourishes like a flower on the branch of a rose. The fruit of the strongest roots, as we constantly shower each other with love, is our precious friendship. Today, I crave you as much as the day we met, and our tree of love is as rich as ever.
Cute Flirty Texts For Him
Good morning, love of mine. I hope that today’s sun will shine brilliantly for you and that you can have the best morning, or at least the best morning you will have there without me.
A lady texting sweet messages on the couch for him. Hey Sweetie, nowhere can I find my spirit! Did you, by mistake, take it with you?
My morning couldn’t have been easier, because all the time, you were on my mind.
You make me laugh more than anyone else has ever or would ever have. If you’re a fantasy, I never want to wake up again.
They say that only once in your life can you fall truly in love. That can’t be real, for I fall in love with you profoundly, over and over again, every day. I am in love with the love I have for you.
Flirty texts to make him laugh – Best Jokes in English
This morning, I need you more than I need coffee, and that says a lot. Every time you kiss me, I feel a little more in love with you. Your kiss could cure me of some sort of ailment. Your touch will help me come back to life.
I’m not sure I’ll ever find out whether spending all morning with you or spending all night with you is the better part of my day.
I hope that you’re having a special day! I love you so much, honey. I hope the two of us could be bundled together like a love burrito in a blanket.
I knew that from the very moment that I laid my eyes on you, you were the one for me. I miss you for sure. I miss you so really. And I would like you to be here by the way.
You’re changing me. Because of you, I have been a stronger person and I see myself through your eyes more clearly. The best support group I might ask for is you. I am so fortunate to have you in crime as my partner.
In all, you put your mind to you’re awesome. Your laughter is my favorite sound. Your arms surrounding me are my favorite sensation.
I should write a book about all the things about you that I enjoy. You’re making me feel so very cool.
Any path I turn down, there I see you. Every wind, every tree, every sparkling moment of my day, you are in it.
I used to go through life, pretending, but I can be myself with you. With anybody, I have never felt as relaxed as I do with you. I want you to know I’m always going to be here for you. I respect you a lot.
Cute paragraphs for him – cute messages for him to wake up to
I will always be there for you no matter what we go through. I feel so much for you that it could make my heart burst. You were the most caring companion and friend of mine, and I’m so happy to see you grow up. Ahead of us are the best years of our lives.
I know that you’re not a magician, but I hope your mouth is magical enough. I can think of a couple of areas I like right now. Wait, maybe you ARE a magician.
It is never easy to be away from your loved one but texting will hold your wife close and linked. To make the toughest day easier, a loving message may be enough.
I love the warmth of your arms surrounding me, the playing of our feet, and the nuzzling of our noses together.
I enjoy being your soulmate. I’m so happy there was a perfect intention in the world to get humanity together. We met and fell in love because I don’t know what I did to deserve anyone as good as you are. It must have been fate. To my life, you add so much goodness.
I hope you enjoyed these Cute Texts for Him: Sweet Messages he’ll Love. Do let us know which one was your favorite in the comments section below.