35 Greatest Quotes On Healing And Sayings

Learn to live your best life, from home trends and money to parenting, humor and lifestyle celebrations. To help the recovery process, we’ve collected the most comforting and uplifting healing quotes for the ultimate inspiration. Let the healing begin

greatest quotes on healing and sayings
Healing is described as restoring or being safe or complete; restoring original integrity in mind, body, and soul. Treating suffering is never easy. Yet whatever difficulties and hardships you’re in, the ability to resolve them is testing the energy. Can these quotations inspire you to recover inside? The top 40 most curing quotes about healing and strong prayers.

“Healing yourself is connected with healing others.”
― Yoko Ono

“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
― Jerry Cantrell

“The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.”
― Hubert H. Humphrey

healing quotes for her
healing quotes for her

“Music is a big part of the healing process, as you will see from some of these famous quotes on healing.”
― Carl Townsend

“All healing is first a healing of the heart.”
― Carl Townsend

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
― Helen Keller

“Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.”
― Unknown

“Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.”
― Sai Baba

short inspirational healing quotes
short inspirational healing quotes

“Your battle and ours are one and the same.
― Mohammed Omar

“For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness.”
― Reba McEntire

“America’s present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.”
― Warren G. Harding

“Your greatest life messages and your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts.”
― Rick Warren

“We are all wounded. But wounds are necessary for his healing light to enter into our beings. Without wounds and failure and frustrations and defeats, there will be no opening for his brilliance to tickle in and invade our lives.”
― Bo Sanchez

“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.”
― Leo Tolstoy

quotes about healing from trauma
quotes about healing from trauma

“In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”
― Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

“They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite”
― Cassandra Clare

“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…”
― Nicholas Sparks

Greatest quotes on healing and sayings

1. “Foundations have to think outside the box and maybe expand past the usual suspects that get all of the funding and start thinking about how to reach into communities and support community healing on a more local level.” — Tarana Burke

2. “It’s time to start thinking differently about money and debt and start the healing process – and the process toward wealth and freedom. ‘Freedom from Bad Debt’ can get you started.” — Robert Kiyosaki

3. “Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.” — Elton John

4. “Yoga is a method for restraining the natural turbulence of thoughts, which otherwise impartially prevent all men, of all lands, from glimpsing their true nature of Spirit. Yoga cannot know a barrier of East and West any more than does the healing and equitable light of the sun.” — Paramahansa Yogananda

5. “Sometimes a miracle is a change in material conditions, such as physical healing. At other times, it is a psychological or emotional change.” — Marianne Williamson

quotes for healing and strength
quotes for healing and strength

6. “The only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of contributing to the healing of the world.” — Marianne Williamson

7. “I think Buddhism should open the door of psychology and healing to penetrate more easily into the Western world.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

8. “I think that cancer is a life form that exists out there, and it exists in us. I think even the concept of healing is a spiritual principle that we have to really look at. I think the word itself is something we ought to get rid of because it implies that there is an illness – that there is something wrong.” — Wayne Dyer

9. “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing… not healing, not curing… that is a friend who cares.” — Henri Nouwen

10. “Allopathic doctors used to laugh condescendingly at those who posited that psychological, emotional and spiritual factors were important contributors to the sickness as well as healing of the body.” — Marianne Williamson

Healing quotes to give you strength and courage

11. “I am not bound for any public place, but for the ground of my own where I have planted vines and orchard trees, and in the heat of the day climbed up into the healing shadow of the woods.” — Wendell Berry

12. “Healing yourself is connected with healing to others.” — Yoko Ono

13. “We use a term called ’empowerment through empathy.’ And ‘Me Too’ is so powerful, because somebody had said it to me – right? – and it changed the trajectory of my healing process once I heard that.” — Tarana Burke

14. “As a community, we create a lot of space for fighting and pushing back, but not enough for connecting and healing.” — Tarana Burke

quotes on healing
quotes on healing

15. “It is reasonable to expect the doctor to recognize that science may not have all the answers to problems of health and healing.” — Norman Cousins

16. “Everybody has losses – it’s unavoidable in life. Sharing our pain is very healing.” — Isabel Allende

17. “Music has been so healing in my life, so the fact that my music could be that for someone else is the best gift of my whole career. People have told me that they got married to my music, divorced from my music, and played my music while they were having their baby.” — Gloria Estefan

18. “In the midst of the sense of tragedy or loss, sometimes laughter is not only healing, but it’s also a way of experiencing the person that you’ve lost again.” — Alan Alda

quotes about healing yourself
quotes about healing yourself

19. “Trauma happens in relationships, so it can only be healed in relationships. Art can’t provide healing. It can be cathartic and therapeutic but a relationship is a three-part journey.” — Alanis Morissette

20. “Well, the beauty of ‘Iyanla: Fix My Life’ is that men are in every show. To our surprise, some of the deepest healing demonstrations have been with the men – the sons, the fathers, the husbands – because they agree to participate with the wife or the daughter or whatever it is we are looking at, and it is there.” — Iyanla Vanzant

Healing quotes to help you feel better and happier

21. “Homosexuals reject the process of healing because it’s too painful and time-consuming.” — Randall Terry

22. “All of my gifts really come from a place of healing. I have homemade essential oils with a diffuser, which I’ve given to all my kids.” — Yolanda Hadid

23. “Music can be healing, and with my history and my knowledge of both sides of what looks like a gigantic divide in the world, I feel I can point a way forward to our common humanity again.” — Cat Stevens

24. “To spread love, healing, peace, and joy is my mission in life – and so I speak up.” — India Arie

25. “Nothing is so healing as the human touch.” — Bobby Fischer

spiritual healing quotes
spiritual healing quotes

26. “Trust leads to intimacy, which leads to healing and meaning. We can only be intimate to the degree we can make ourselves vulnerable. But when we open our hearts, we can get hurt.” — Dean Ornish

27. “If we can make the correct diagnosis, the healing can begin. If we can’t, both our personal health and our economy are doomed.” — Andrew Weil

28. “When I use the word ‘healing,’ by that I mean that every disease has a physical element that we’re very good at handling, but there’s always a sense of the violation. ‘Why me?’ ‘Why is my leg broken on the ski trip and not anyone else’s?’ And I think that medicine has done a terrible job of addressing that spiritual violation.” — Abraham Verghese

29. “Physicians need to be good technicians and know-how to prescribe, but for healing to occur they also need to incorporate philosophy and spirituality into their treatment. We need to feel as well as think.” — Bernie Siegel

30. “I think, in general, medicine in the 21st century will switch from healing the sick to upgrading the healthy… If you find ways to repair the memory damaged by Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and so forth, it is very likely that the same methods could be used to upgrade the memory of completely healthy people.” — Yuval Noah Harari

Healing quotes to remind you of your strength

31. “When I sit down to write a song, I really want the message of healing to thrive and transcend all ages.” — Jason Mraz

32. “I don’t think you can climb Mount Everest with a broken leg, but I did break my leg prior to going to Mount Everest, so I was really climbing with a healing broken leg. I had the good fortune of climbing the highest mountain on each of the seven continents. That was a goal that I had.” — Gary Johnson

short healing quotes
short healing quotes

33. “I think art is a healing force, and if we give in to the joy that can be found in art, then we are able to sustain ourselves in spite of ourselves.” — Ntozake Shange

34. “I think of myself as a healing artist.” — Lynn Nottage

35. “Protesting is good, but healing is better. We need to see America heal.” — Alveda King

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