56 Inspirational Long Distance Relationship Quotes for Her

Long Distance Relationship Quotes for Her
Long Distance Relationship Quotes for Her

Long Distance Relationship and Quotes for Her to Remember. Long distance relationships may be tough but through this experience, the both of you will be bound together even stronger. Sweet, Heartwarming Things To Say to Your Long-Distance Partner. this collection of deep heart touching long distance relationship quotes for her.

There may be times when you have to be apart from your special love, and every day you miss her. It hurts so much to be away from the person you love, and the time you spend apart is full of both love and pain. Your love is different from everyone else’s, but many people have been where you are. You should never be afraid to say how you really feel about someone. It can be hard to put your thoughts and feelings into just a few words. Looking for the best love quotes pictures, photos & images? littlenivi’s pictures can be used on social media.

On the other hand, you may discover that these long distance relationship love messages for her are only a portion of what you are actually feeling for her. Read some of the best long distance relationship Sayings and long distance relationship quotes for her on dreamsquote.com.

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Long Distance Relationship Quotes for Her

  • “Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.”
  • “Every day we are apart my love grows stronger for you.”
  • “I miss you more than ever, and I can’t wait to be with you soon.”
  • “The simple lack of her is more to me than others’ presence.”
  • “Close together or far apart; you’re forever in my heart.”
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sweet heartwarming things to say to your long distance partner
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Long Distance Relationship Quotes and Messages

“Love isn’t limited by distance. Every day, it makes its way all the way to you.”

“When I start to miss you, I think about how lucky I am to miss someone so great.”

“I never thought I’d be so lucky in love and then so unlucky when I was away from my love. I hope to have more luck soon.”

“The pain of being apart is what keeps me going until we can be together again.”

“Even though I can only see parts of you right now, I know it won’t be long before I can see all of you.”

“We can measure how far apart we are, but I can’t figure out how much I love you.”

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“I don’t always know if you miss me or forget about me, but I tell myself every day that love will bring us back together.”

“Sometimes it’s hard to remember you, but when I feel my heartbeat, I remember that it does so for you.”

“I can’t wait for the day when I can be with you again and know that the time we spent apart was worth it.”

“When it rains, I know the other angels are crying because they want us to be together again soon.”

“When our love has made it through the distance, I’ll know that it’s real.”

“I cry sometimes and laugh other times. You are the one who makes me happy, and being apart from you makes me sad.”

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long distance relationship love messages for her

“You have my heart, soul, and spirit. I’ll be back soon to get it and pick you up on the way.”

“If love makes bridges, I should be able to walk right up to you.”

“The more time goes by without you in my life, the more I miss you and love you.”

“I’m lonely, but I’m never alone because you are always in my heart, soul, and dreams.”

“Our time apart will make our next kiss taste even better.”

“Technology may make it easier for us to stay in touch, but love is what will really keep us close.”

“Even though it’s a long way, I think my heart can cover it all.”

“What brought us together was the past. The present separates us. You will always be close to me, right by my heart.”

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long distance relationship love quotes pictures photos images and pics

“Having this much love for you is almost cruel, but the pain is worth it because I’ll be with you soon.”

“Even though our bodies are far apart, you are always in my heart.”

“If love alone could bring us together, I’d stay right next to you forever.”

“If I could count the air between us, I’d know how many breaths you’ve taken from me.”

“I keep telling myself that the time we’re apart isn’t that long when I think about how soon we’ll be together for life.”

“You make me want to breathe every day, and every time I think of you, I feel like I can’t breathe.”

“I smile when I look at the moon because I know you’re out there under the same one.”

“There is a hole in my heart that only you can fill. You will soon fill it up again.”

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“We’ll be together soon, but soon isn’t fast enough.”

“I get through each day by remembering the good times we’ve had together and knowing that when we get back together, everything will be so much better.”

“I’ve been alone for so long that being away from you makes me never want to be alone again.”

“I knew when I saw something good, and I hope to see it again soon.”

“Being far apart makes me sad. Then I remember that someone else is going through the same thing as me. You!”

“Every day, I can’t wait for you to walk through that door and tell me we’re done being apart.”

“The amount of love I have for you doesn’t change whether we are far apart or right next to each other.”

“If I could fly, I’d use my wings to be right there with you every morning.”

“We aren’t together, but as long as the sun, moon, and sky are the same, I know we are.”

“I take each day one minute at a time and count down the seconds until I can hold you again.”

“Every day, no matter what path I take, I always end up back where you are waiting for me in my dreams.”

“Even though you are on the other side of the world, we dream under the same sky, and one day I will hold you in my arms.”

“Just not having you is more important to me than being with other people.”

“When the night is quiet, it’s the silence that makes me feel the closest to you.”

“When I miss you, I can feel you when I put my hand on my heart.”

“Even though we live so far apart, I fall more and more in love with you every day.”

“I cry when it’s quiet at night, and I silently wish you were here.”

“Your absence has made my heart miss you more, but it has also left me feeling very alone.”

“When the sun comes out, I think of how your face looks when we’re together. My love, you will soon shine again.”

“Everything about you is so fragile and precious, and I treat your heart with care from far away.”

“As sincere as I am when I say “I love you,” know that I’m coming back to you in the same way.”

“You are the only person I want to see soon and the only thing that keeps me going.”

“The time we spend apart is just the time I have to myself so I can spend more time with you, the person I love.”

“Even though we are still apart, you still make me happy.”

“Listen for my whisper that says “I love you” when the wind blows.”

“You’re never that far from anything. It just seems that way because of the miles and distance.”

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Long Distance Relationship Pictures and Images

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