150 Famous Marcus Aurelius Quotes and Sayings On Life, Attitude

Marcus Aurelius Quotes: The best collection of quotes and sayings attributed to Marcus Aurelius can be found here. During the years 161 to 180 AD, Marcus Aurelius reigned as Emperor of Rome. His work “Meditations” is still read widely in modern times, as he is widely regarded as one of the most influential Stoic philosophers.

Famous Marcus Aurelius Quotes and Sayings On Life Attitude

Stoicism is a school of thought that advocates are living in accordance with one’s natural talents and accepting what one cannot control. Both his life and his body of work serve as excellent examples of Stoicism.

You will find a list of motivational quotes by Marcus Aurelius below, and you may also be interested in reading some related topics.

Marcus Aurelius Quotes

1. “Death, like birth, is a secret of Nature.” — Marcus Aurelius

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2. “Perhaps there are none more lazy, or more truly ignorant, than your everlasting readers.” — Marcus Aurelius

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3. “Stop wishing for something else to happen, for a different fate. That is to live a false life.” — Marcus Aurelius

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4. “How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.” — Marcus Aurelius

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5. “A brief existence is common to all things, and yet you avoid and pursue all things as if they would be eternal.” — Marcus Aurelius

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6. “But death and life, honor, and dishonor, pain and pleasure – all these things, equally happen to good men and bad, being things which make us neither better nor worse. Therefore they are neither good nor evil.” — Marcus Aurelius

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7. “What is your art? To be good.” — Marcus Aurelius

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8. “No man can escape his destiny, the next inquiry being how he may best live the time that he has to live.” — Marcus Aurelius

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9. “A man’s worth is no greater than his ambitions.” — Marcus Aurelius

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10. “Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?” — Marcus Aurelius

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11. “Now think of the things which goad man into destroying man: they are hope, envy, hatred, fear, and contempt.” — Marcus Aurelius

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12. “To the wise, life is a problem; to the fool, a solution.” — Marcus Aurelius

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