150 Of The Best Thank You Teacher Messages | Best Quotes About Teaching – Teacher Appreciation Thank You Notes

When writing a thank you note to a teacher, it’s important to express gratitude and respect towards them. Many students may not always show their gratitude, but it’s important to remember that a special few educators will leave a lasting impression on the minds and hearts of the students whose lives they have touched. Say thanks to your teacher and show how much you appreciate them with one of these touching and heartfelt thank you messages. Here are some examples of thank you teacher messages:

  • Thank you for being such a phenomenal teacher and making this semester so much fun.
  • Thank you ever so much for all the knowledge and guidance that you have so generously shared with me.
  • Thank you for being the best teacher I could ask for.
  • Thank you for always believing in me. – Thank you for making me what I am today.

Thank You Teacher Messages

#1. A good teacher is patient, kind, and thoughtful. You have been all of these and more to me. Thank you!

#2. Thank you for believing in me when no one else did. I am a much better person because of you. Thank you, teacher.

#3. I know you want to see me succeed, and that’s why you tell me to keep trying even when I want to give up. Thank you, teacher, for believing in me.

thank you message for teacher
thank you message for teacher

#4. Every question I have, even the silly ones, you have an answer to. Thank you for being such a patient teacher.

#5. Thank you for always encouraging me to be my very best. This semester has been my favorite in a long time, and I’m so lucky to have you as a teacher!

#6. Thank you teacher for all the things you have done for me.

#7. I had so many ways to get to my destination, but you showed me the right one. Only a wise teacher can do that. I am really thankful to you!

#8. I just wanted to send a quick thank you message to appreciate your huge support and effort.

#9. I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your class. Your class was fun and I learned a lot from you. I wish all of my teachers were more like you. Thank you so much.

#10. I learned a lot in your class because you took the extra time to explain things clearly. You gave me the extra help I needed. Thank you for giving me your time.

#11. Anyone would give you an A+ for being such an awesome teacher. Thank you for everything!

#12. Your classes are just so inspirational! I’ve never had a teacher like you, and for that, I’m so, so thankful every day!

#13. I don’t think you realize it, but you were such a huge influence on me this year. You’ve made me so excited and passionate about the rest of my degree. Thanks so much!

thank you teacher
thank you teacher

#14. Not only is sending your teacher a message a nice thing to do, but it can also help make sure you keep up a positive relationship in the future.

#15. Thank you teacher for activating curiosity, knowledge, and new visions into our lives. Without your guidance, life could not have been this blissful. Thank you so much!

#16. Thank you, teacher, for your extraordinary patience and effort towards your students. Thank you for being their inspiration and guide. We appreciate you so much.

#17. Thanks for being a super teacher!

#18. You teach with love and effort and energy that draws in every student.

#19. What a gift! What a teacher!

#20. The best teachers teach from the heart. Thank you for all that you do!


Thank You Message For teachers From Student

#22. You deserve a big thank you for all the sleepless nights that you spent preparing our lessons. Thank you, teacher. You are the best.

#23. Thank you for teaching me to express myself and work outside of my comfort zone. I was lucky to be in your class!

#24. When I grow up, I hope I love my job as much as you love yours. Thank you for being my biggest role model.

thank you message to teacher from parents
thank you message to teacher from parents

#25. Thank you for creating such a great environment to learn and where we were encouraged to express our own thoughts and opinions.

#26. You have changed so many lives with your knowledge and wisdom. But I thank you especially for changing my life. Thank you, teacher, for everything that you did!

#27. Dear teacher, it is an absolute honor to learn things from you. I feel truly lucky to have you as my mentor, thanks for all the priceless moments and lessons.

#28. You have made me a better student banda better human being, a better child, a better sibling, and a better friend. I will always be grateful for your support and guidance.

#29. Thank you for not only preparing me for academics but also for life. You have boosted up my confidence and made me a better human being. Thank you for making me a smart cookie!

#30. Thank you for sharing Elizabeth’s growing mind. The world needs more teachers like you. Thank you, Mr. Milne!

#31. Thank you for helping Harper blossom, Mrs. Hayworth. We can’t thank you enough.

#32. This is a quick note to let you know you were the absolute best teacher I’ve ever had! You motivated and inspired me to do my best and your answers to my questions were always clear as day. Thank you so much!!!

#33. Sometimes I go to classes and am so bored and deflated. But when I go to your classes, I leave energized and excited. You’re what a teacher is supposed to be – thanks for the motivation!

#34. We were so used to seeing you smile all the time that we failed to notice your tired eyes. You are such an inspiration for life. Thanks for touching our lives in so many ways.

#35. We have never seen a superhero in real life. But we are quite certain that you are a superhero in the disguise of a great teacher.

#36. Learning is fun, but only if someone has a teacher like you. Thank you for teaching me how to become a great person in life.

thank you teacher quotes
thank you teacher quotes

#37. My appreciation for having you as my teacher is beyond words! You always have been someone I have looked up to and followed the example of. Stay awesome!

#38. Thank you for being the absolute best teacher I could ever ask for. Your guidance and advice helped to make me a stronger student!

#39. Dear Teacher, we both know I’m not always the most well-behaved kid. Thank you for accepting me as I am, and welcoming me into your class. I will never forget you.

#40. Dear TA, I know I didn’t always make things easy for you during class discussions, but you made time for me anyway. Thank you for being my class leader.

#41. This year was better than I expected — in fact, it was amazing. I learned a lot of new things from you, like xxxxxxx. You’re a good teacher because you explain things so well, and you always include everyone in discussions, so no one feels incompetent or self-conscious. Thank you for showing me I have self-confidence, and inspiring me to act like it.

Must Read:

Thank You Teacher Messages From Parents

#43. You are a role model for our children. Thank you for your wonderful job. Your service to the creation of an enlightened generation will always be remembered!

#44. Since the day you took the responsibility for educating our kids, their progress has been impressive. Thank you for your impact. We cannot thank you enough.

#45. Let’s begin with some letter-starters for the parents of elementary-school-aged students.

thank you teacher message from parents for encouraging child
thank you teacher message from parents for encouraging child

#46. Let’s model the habit of appreciation early:

#47. Thank You Note Examples Parents Can Write to Their Child’s Teacher

#48. You made the impossible possible. Our kids are now more confident than they were ever before. Thank you for your uncompromising service.

#49. I know that my kid is in good hands. Thanks for taking care of my son/girl and showing them the right path.

#50. If every teacher in this world were just as dedicated as you, no parent would ever have to worry about their kids. Thanks for your inspiring work.

#51. Wow, that was a tough semester! I just wanted to say thanks for teaching me, and for all the support you gave while I was struggling through all of the content. Looking forward to next semester!

#52. Thank you for doing so much for your class, from buying your own supplies to taking extra time to help us when we were stuck. We appreciate you!

#53. This is the year I started to care about learning, and you were the biggest reason my attitude changed. I’ll never forget you, Mr. Hodges! Thank you!

#54. Hunter has grown so much this year. Thank you for all that you do!

#55. The school year is ending, but your excitement about learning has changed us forever.

#56. I’m so glad you were my teacher! Thank you, Mrs. LaSalle!

#57. The world needs s’more great teachers like you! You’ve made this school year a whole lot sweeter, thank you!

#58. From your teaching in our classroom to all the papers you correct,

#59. You’ve given every effort, and you’ve earned my deep respect.

#60. Even though you made me stand in the corner a lot, I would still rather be in your classroom each day than anywhere else in the world. You are the best teacher I have ever had. I hope your corner finds a worthy replacement for me next year.

Also Read:

Thank You Teacher Quotes

#62. “A good teacher can inspire hope; ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” Brad Henry

#63. “A mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

#64. “Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” Sidney Hook

thank you teacher messages and wishes
thank you teacher messages and wishes

#65. You are not just a teacher. You are also a mentor and a friend. Thanks for all you do for me.

#66. When I come to school and see you, I just know it’s going to be a good day. Thank you for being a supportive and devoted teacher.

#67. In every house, there should be one teacher like you. Our future generation will be better, wiser, and smarter if they have teachers like you to guide them. Thank you for being a good mentor to my child.

#68. Thank you for sharing your invaluable wisdom with my children. It makes me happy knowing that his future is secured in the right hands. Thank you for the time you spend on them.

#69. You always go above and beyond for us, and we’re so thankful. Thank you for being such a phenomenal teacher and making this semester so much fun!

#70. Dear [ teacher’s name ], I’ll miss our long walks to the principal’s office together but my mission is done and I must be moving on. While you are probably planning a party now, by next year you will probably find yourself missing my comic relief. On a serious note – Thanks for being a great teacher.

#71. The best lessons are not learned from a book but the hearts of truly great teachers like you. I’m so grateful for the important school and life lessons you taught me. Thank you for caring about my future.

Thank You Teacher

#73. We parents may be accountants, scientists, doctors, and engineers – but nothing contributes to the nation’s development more than the sacrifices made by teachers. Thank you.

#74. A good teacher is someone who can think like a student, look like a parent, and behave like a boss. You are the boss our kid is lucky to have. Thanks.

#75. This dissertation was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but with your guidance, I made it through. Thank you!

#76. I can’t believe we made it to the end! You were right beside me all along, and for that, I’m so incredibly grateful.

#77. You have shown me that I can do anything I put my mind to. Thank you for having faith in me.

#78. You are a shining light in my life – someone who has guided me when I was in darkness. Thank you for being a confidant, mentor, and friend.

#79. Hope you know, you were such an inspiration throughout the year. Will remain forever grateful!

#80. Your patience is second to none, thanks for handling every situation so wisely.

#81. I read this quote and thought of you: “A good teacher, like a good entertainer, first must hold his audience’s attention, then he can teach his lesson.” You’re a true entertainer and a great teacher. Thanks for being awesome!

#82. I’ll miss you next year! Love, Jaime

#83. 5th Grade Year gets an A+ from me! Thanks, Mr. Lee!

#84. A great school year happens when a great teacher does a great job.

#85. Thank you for a great year, Mrs. Fulton!

#86. “To be or not to be…” I’m so glad you decided “to be” a teacher, Mr. Alexander!

#87. You’ve taught me a bushel of information and given me a taste for learning even more!

#88. I feel so lucky to have had a teacher like you. Thank you for helping me to express my creative side and come out of my shell. You have given me priceless confidence!

#89. You expected me to succeed, and this motivated me to keep trying until I did. You set the bar high, and I learned more than I thought I could. You taught me that I am smarter than I thought and that failure is okay as long as I pick myself up and try again. Thank you for believing in me.

#90. Your class was my favorite all semester, and I’m so grateful for your fun and engaging approach. It made the lessons interesting and made me want to learn. Thank you for being the best teacher I could ask for.

#91. Thank you for celebrating my accomplishments this past year and making me feel like a superstar. I always felt so happy when you were proud of me. You will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for being my teacher.

#92. Here’s a quote that explains you perfectly: “I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” I always leave your classes thinking ideas through over and over again!

#93. It’s been a while since you were my teacher, but I still remember you so well! I read this quote and you were the teacher that came to mind: “Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.

What to write in a teacher thank you card

#95. I just wanted to let you know what an exceptional teacher you are in the hearts of your pupils. Thank you for inspiring us to do our best in all things and to always believe in our dreams. Your care and time have made all the difference in the world.

#96. While most adults are always too busy to talk, you really listen to what we have to say. We can tell by your actions that you truly care about us, and want every success for us in life. Because of this, we have grown to love and care about you too. We will miss you, teacher.

#97. I’ve often sat and wondered why you decided to become a school teacher. Perhaps it was the allure of crowded classrooms, cafeteria food, and noisy kids. I’m so glad because I can’t imagine a better person to spend nine months with.

#98. You’re an inspiration to students and other teachers alike. You’ve activated a hunger for knowledge and wisdom, inspiring me to plan my future and become a better individual. Thanks for everything.

#99. You’ve been so much more than a teacher for us. You’ve been our mentor, our support, and our guide. Thank you for everything you have done for us!

#100. I know your job is stressful and the hours are long, but you are always kind and understanding. I am grateful to have been taught by such an admirable person.

#101. I challenge anybody in the whole world to find a better teacher than you. You’ve set a great example for all of us to follow, you’ve inspired us to be better people and to always strive to do our personal best. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher!

#102. Before meeting you, I never thought that a person could be a teacher, support, mentor, and philosopher all in one! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!

#103. Your innovative teaching style and bright charisma have kept me on the edge of my seat this past school year. I’m sad to be leaving your class because I know I will never have another teacher quite like you. Thank you for an amazing learning experience!

Short Thank You Wishes for Teachers

#105. Thank you for all of the time and attention you’ve given me. It made such a difference in my attitude and grades. I’ve changed in so many wonderful ways under your instruction. No other teacher has ever invested so much time in me, and I am truly grateful.

#106. We came to you with young, inexperienced, and ignorant minds. Thanks to your patience, care, and understanding – we will leave you as better people who will one day make the world a better place. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for us.

#107. A truly great teacher inspires the desire for knowledge and success in her students. You’ve made me realize that I can do anything if I will only work hard and believe in myself. Thank you for showing me my true potential and providing the motivation I needed.

#108. I am never going to find a teacher more perfect than you! You’ve been my guide, my support, and my mentor throughout all these years and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

#109. Dear [ teacher’s name ] – Thanks for an amazing year. Call off the party as I have decided to stay in your class forever.

#110. Your words have always been very precious to me. Through them, you have guided me and shaped me into the person I am today. For that, I want to thank you for being the best teacher I have ever had!

#111. Before the school year comes to an end, I want to tell you how special you are to me. I am so blessed to have been placed under your valuable instruction. Your guidance and inspiration have opened the doors to my future and I am so thankful for you [ teacher’s name ].

#112. The way you teach, the knowledge you share, the care you show, and the love that you shower on your students make you the best teacher ever. I will be eternally grateful for the knowledge and skills that you have taught me. If only everyone could have a teacher as wonderful as you, the world would be a much better place.

Thank You Note for Teacher

#114. Teachers may come and go but a special teacher will live forever in the hearts of their students. You’re a special teacher whom I will always remember with fond memories. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

#115. It seems like so many teachers don’t really like kids so we have been extremely blessed to have you as our teacher. You listen to us and understand our problems and for that, we are eternally grateful. Thank you for being an exceptional teacher!

#116. Express your gratitude for all that your teacher does, with a heartfelt handwritten thank-you note — if your teacher is retiring, don’t wait until the end of the school year or Teacher Appreciation Day!

#117. Good teachers help guide us to develop our potentials and embrace our strengths.

#118. Express your gratitude for your teacher with a heartfelt thank-you note, and maybe give them an inexpensive yet thoughtful gift to show your appreciation, too.

#119. Thanks in advance to my child’s teacher for undoing all the mistakes I’ve made this summer. (funny thanks to teacher message.)

#120. Dear Beatrice, Thank you for helping to make kindergarten such a positive experience for Billy. With all of your patience, creativity, and love, Billy has achieved a lot this year. He has started on the right foot by having you as his teacher.

#121. With students like yours (our son, ha), being a teacher cannot be easy. Teaching is certainly a Calling and requires a lot of hard work and sacrifice. You doubtless stay awake at night worrying about the students in your class at the expense of your personal time. We thank you sincerely for caring so much.

#122. Specifically, I want to thank you for the several occasions when you gave the other children time to make cards and write notes to Kelly. Not only were you teaching your fourth-graders writing skills, but you were also teaching them to care about other people. That, I’m sure, is a direct reflection of your own personal commitment to your students.

Inspiring Teacher Quotes

#124. Just a happy note to you today: you were born to be a teacher! Your patience is endless and your passion is so evident. Thanks a million!

#125. Hi! Just a quick note to say I was blown away by our classes in Week 1. You’re obviously such a passionate and intelligent teacher. I can’t wait to learn from you!

#126. I’ve never come across a teacher like you. You speak to us like we’re intelligent and capable of anything. It’s such a breath of fresh air, and I can’t wait to learn more from you!

#127. Writing a 15,000-word thesis seemed like an impossible task at the start. You helped me to break it down and see how it was manageable if only I put my time and energy into it. Day by day, it all came together and I’m so happy with the result. Thank you so much for all you did for me!

#128. Dear Ms. Shroot, Guess what? Until now, math has never been my favorite subject; I always found it a bit boring. But your calculus class somehow broke through my self-imposed resistance, and I am compelled to combine my love of literature and my understanding of math by becoming a science writer. I never saw that coming! Thank you!

#129. Dear Miss Hamilton, This year I struggled with taking class seriously because of the problems I was having at home. You never gave up on me once, and I want to thank you for that. I will always remember your kindness and willingness to go the extra mile just for me.

Thank You Teacher Congratulations Messages Images and Quotes

Looking for the best thank you teacher messages and quotes and thank you teacher images, photos & pictures? Love these thank you teacher quotes pictures that can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and others. Top of the congratulation messages with funny images for good luck on your thank you teacher funny motivational words for a thank you teacher. See more ideas about What to say to a teacher you appreciate? teacher appreciation quotes, congratulation messages.

The Best Thank You Teacher Messages | best quotes about teaching – teacher appreciation thank you notes. As the kids rush back into school routines filled with homework and studying, we can’t help but be thankful for the ones the sacrifice so much to educate the next generation. And with so many of our normal back-to-school rhythms looking different (again!) this year, we see and appreciate even more how much it takes to educate our kids. Since last year, teachers have found safe ways for kids to come back into classrooms, learned how to teach classes of all grade levels online, and constantly connected with students when they can’t communicate daily.

Teachers are our everyday heroes. Teachers are the most respected person in one’s life after their parents as they help to shape the lives of thousands. Teachers need appreciation So, send some thank you messages to teachers which will appreciate their efforts and make them feel valued! Teachers need appreciation because they teach us how to walk on the challenging paths of life! Appreciation messages from students, parents, and principals will encourage them to work harder towards building a bright future for the young generation. See more ideas quotes about teacher quotes, teacher appreciation quotes, congratulation messages, thank you teacher messages.

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